innovation 5D

discover the right problem to solve and do it with innovation

Five steps to responsible innovation

Innovation 5D is a framework with mindsets, methods and tools to drive, scale and accelerate innovation. It can be used to create new products, services, experiences, business models, strategies, and more.

The Innovation 5D Framework

The Innovation 5D Framework is a five-step process for transforming a problem into a safe and responsible innovation. It focuses on identifying, understanding and defining problems before designing the innovation.

5D is inspired and draws concepts, methods and tools from design thinking, lean startup methodologies, strategic management, innovation management and strategy, software analysis and design, human-computer interaction, business artificial Intelligence, cognitive science, behavioural science and the science of business experimentation.

Discover and Define focus on identifying, understanding and defining problems before designing innovation.

Design, Develop and Do use causal links and deep actionable insights to build, implement, execute, manage, measure and improve innovation.

Innovation in 5 Steps

Innovation Mindsets

help innovators, innovation managers and leaders understand the risks and uncertainties in their environment and adapt to transform challenges into opportunities. Making the impossible possible,

Innovation Methods

Innovation is an art and a science. We use science where it exists and art where it is necessary. We use these methods to answer the key question "should we build it", not just "can we build it". Making the impossible possible,

Innovation Tools

There are thousands of innovation tools out there. We use the most effective and efficient tool for every innovation 5D task. Making the impossible possible,

Innovation Management

Innovation involves change and change introduces new risks and uncertainties. Innovation management is the systematic practical process that aims to reduce the inherent risks and uncertainty of innovation to create, capture and deliver new value. We use the 5D framework as our innovation management process to identify problems worth solving and build responsible and sustainable innovative solutions. Innovation management does not typically happen in a vacuum. It happens in a cultural and strategic context. 

Innovation Culture

is a mix of shared values, beliefs, norms, and practices that shape the behavior and interactions of individuals within an organization or community. It has a major impact on innovation because influences how people in organisation approach and do their work, interact with each other, and make decisions. 

Culture can have momentum and inertia that can retard, redirect, reverse, usurp and accelerate innovation. If you want to accelerate innovation understand the steps 5D framework and find ways to ensure your culture can accelerate them in the right direction. Psychological safety and learning rapidly are critical ingredients of a pro-innovation culture. 

Innovation leaders can design, shape and improve innovation culture.

Innovation Strategy

Strategy drives and steers the innovation management process. Innovation strategy is impacted by the culture. Culture can help or hinder strategy, A culture with barriers and gatekeeping decision makers can slow, stop, disrupt and undermine strategy.  Conversely, innovation strategy drives change and that typically impacts innovation culture.  Strategy can provide the energy and force to drive and guide changes in the innovation process. It can accelerate innovation by changing its momentum and/or overcoming its inertia to change. 

Innovation Case Studies


Trustworthy AI

Business Model

Life Long Learning

Want to know more

The Innovation 5D Framework is free to use with attribution to the framework designer Mary-Anne Williams, University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney). Just add this website URL as the source -

We use the Innovation 5D Framework in the AGSM Corporate Innovation course at the Australian Graduate School of Management at UNSW Sydney.

If you have a question, you can email us via the form below, and we will endeavour to respond. We would love to hear how you are using the 5Ds and where they are most useful.

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